Games You Can Make Money With

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  2. Mobile Games You Can Make Money From
  3. Games You Can Make Real Money On
  4. Free Make Money Games
  5. Games You Can Make Money On Iphone

Every now and again you read an article, or see something on the social media, bragging about making money playing video games.

Sometimes you hear about it through word-of-mouth.

But is it really a thing? Can you really make money?

It is possible, but there are some caveats. First, banish any idea from your mind that you’re going to make a fortune doing it. Second, it may not be quite as fun and exciting as it sounds on the surface – making money rarely is. And third, you have to be able to separate the real opportunities from the many scams out there.

  • If you have a free Android or iOS game published in China, you can make money while avoiding the game license requirement by installing an ad SDK.
  • Discover 10 best online casino games where you can make real money with no deposit whatsoever. The list includes free casino slot games with bonus rounds.

Mistplay has three different reward currencies you can earn: GXP, PXP, and Units. PXP, or Player Experience Points, are tied to your account. You earn PXP whenever you play a game through Mistplay.

With those warnings in mind, let’s take a look at some ways you really can make money playing video games.

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Become a Beta Tester

Every video game needs to go through beta testing before it hits the general market. This can be an interesting and fun way to earn some extra money. But be aware you probably won’t be working with popular video games. Instead, it’ll be ones that haven’t hit the market yet. Companies are looking to test their games with real users before bringing them to market.

You may find some of the games you’re working with aren’t terribly exciting, or they may have serious glitches. But that’s why companies look for people to test them out first. Your job will be to identify flaws or ways to improve the product before it goes to market.

The upside of becoming a beta tester is that you can make a lot of money doing it. The difficult part is finding companies who will hire you. The best approach is to develop a strong social media presence, complete with a large following, that might get you noticed by video game companies. If you do, they’ll be coming to you.

Video Game Tournaments

Video games often develop communities, and they can be quite active – and competitive. The competitiveness leads to tournaments, and that leads to prizes. It’s not the same as getting a steady income, but if you have the fortitude to engage in ongoing tournaments, the prizes can be quite generous.

One example is Call of Duty. Thousands of people play this game, but for some, it rises to become very competitive. That’s where the potential payoff is. You get involved with teams and meet up online and either play together as a team or “every man for himself.”

Call of Duty has several different gameplay modes, including online multiplayer as well as zombies. Some of the new games allow for multiplayer campaigns. Whether you work with a team or by yourself, you can go into the playoffs and move on to the championships. If you get into the finals, video game tournaments work very similarly to the regular sporting events. Winning tournaments can result in cash payouts. Exactly how much you can make will depend on the interest in the tournament, and it varies from one to the next.

Take OpTic Gaming (on YouTube) as another example. It’s one of the top performing game teams available, and they are known for winning multiple awards and having some of the best players in the industry. There are a plethora of prizes including small prizes such as gift cards. But cash prizes can run as high as $10 million – if you can believe it.

Become a Video Game Reviewer

If you have an interest in many different video games, you can earn money by becoming a video game reviewer. This is similar to blogging – in fact, you could even create a blog for this purpose. But you can also do it through YouTube, or on popular selling sites like eBay and

The basic idea is to become a respected review source of video games. As you build up a following, people will come to rely on your opinions. You can earn money by selling the video games you review on an affiliate basis (the manufacturer or distributor will pay you a percentage of each sale you make from your website or video).

There’s no guarantee how much money you’ll make. It depends on the popularity of your site or videos because most of your income will come as advertising. If you’re able to grow your audience into the thousands, you may get video game companies advertising directly. If it reaches that stage, you’ll have a steady stream of passive income.

“Farming” Gold

You won’t make a fortune with this strategy, but if you like playing video games, and you play a lot, it can be a way to earn at least some money while you’re having fun.

Not all video games allow this to happen, but there are a few that do. Two are RuneScape and Counter Strike.

The process works like this…

You can create a character and “level” him or her (raise their skills). Some players will actually pay money for a high-level character that they don’t have to level themselves. In the case of RuneScape, the higher the levels, the more quests you can complete.

The easiest way to do this is to “farm the character.” This means you spend a lot of time leveling up the character, whether it be for a particular skill or for in-game money. You can actually make a lot of money doing this, as some characters can sell for over $1,000. Others sell for as little as $100. It really depends on how much skill you have at leveling, and how motivated you are to play the game.

Become a Twitch Streamer

Twitch is a streaming platform subsidiary of Amazon where you can earn money through the support of your subscribers. Most of the streams involve video games, whether it’s games like Fortnite or something that is played online like Chess, but you earn money through your subscribers.

If you get your subscriber count up and have a lot of views, you can get sponsorships and giveaway opportunities as well. Some of the top Twitch streamers do this full-time and the income opportunities are there. This is how much Twitch streamers make.

You can also post those Twitch videos to Youtube as an additional revenue source.

Work in Customer Service

If you’re a veteran gamer, with experience playing dozens of different video games, you may be able to use those skills to help others – and make some money while you do. Think of it as working on the helpdesk for companies that provide video games.

You can sometimes find these positions by contacting the manufacturers or distributors of video games themselves. They may even have work-at-home positions. You can also try various technology support companies, like Sutherland Global Services. Every now and again they have positions available on video game helpdesks.

Other Ways to Enter the Business

It can be difficult to find ways to make money playing video games.

You won’t find jobs advertised on the job boards.

But there are three general ways to get into making money playing video games:

  1. Contact video game manufacturers and distributors directly, and offer your services. You’ll have to be a well-experienced video game player to even attempt this.
  2. Become a very competitive video gamer, such that you can get involved in tournaments and other activities that will make you serious money.
  3. Become a video game entrepreneur. This is really the business side of video games. You start a website, become active on the social media, or develop a YouTube channel. You become recognized as an expert in the field, drawing many thousands of followers. You can then sell video games on an affiliate basis, or even receive sponsorships from the companies themselves.

YouTube is especially important. In fact, it’s not an exaggeration to say that your YouTube channel is your resume in the video game universe.

So you can play video games for sure, but put your entrepreneur’s hat on, and be ready to turn it into a side business – or something much more.


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We do our best to present a list of the best online casino games worldwide. Each game is carefully selected, based on consumers’ reviews, to give you a maximum gaming idea on what to expect from online casinos.

Android Games You Can Make Money With

Here are top 10 online casino games where you can make real money

  1. Blackjack

This classic game is rated as one of the best online casino games. Blackjack is a card game and the key number in the game is 21. The game is played between the player and the house. The goal of the game is for a gambler to get as close as they can to the number 21. In the game, the system gives you a card and you have to pick another one. The system also gets to have two cards. If your two cards add up to 18 and the system’s add up to 15, you win.

  1. Roulette

Roulette is normally played with chips which are placed on the roulette table to wager them. The table in itself consists of numbers from 0 to 36 and 00. The numbers are placed in rows which are colored red and black and have additional betting for red-black, even-odd, etc.

When you bet on the roulette, you either bet on certain numbers and colours or both. After you have wagered, the wheel is spun clockwise and a small ball is directed counter clockwise. If the ball stops in a number or colour that corresponds with your bet, you will take the money home. For additional information, kindly see online roulette.

  1. Slots

Whether you are online or offline, slots are the some of the most popular casino games. They are diversified in that they play a lot of different games. In a slot, you insert a coin or a virtual coin when you are online. After that, you click on a button, the wheels will begin spinning in response to the clicked button. Three symbols will appear when the wheel stops spinning. If the symbols match, then you win. This is one of the easiest gambling games. For more details, kindly see online slots.

  1. Poker

Poker is one of the world’s most popular card games that is based on a five card hand. The online experience of poker is way more fun as compared to a physical one as you’ll get to see your cards clearly and have that unique oversight. The hands in poker are ranked starting with the lowest hand to the highest hand. The best hand wins.

  1. Craps

Mobile Games You Can Make Money From

These are for dice lovers who want to have fun and possibly make money at the same time. The game is based on a dice. The CPU rolls the dice and you wager on its outcome. You can also wager for a series of outcomes based on multiple rolls of the dice.

  1. Baccarat

Baccarat is a gambling card game that is played between two hands. The two hands are the player and the house. Each round of play is known as the Baccarat coup and there are three possible outcomes player, house and tie. The player outcome has the
highest score and when you achieve this that is when you win.

  1. Pai Gow

Pai Gow is a Chinese gambling game played with a set of 32 Chinese dominoes. It is as equally intriguing as any gambling game and the odds in Pai Gow tend to be above average which makes it a favorite among a lot of online gamblers. The game is played using a set of Chinese dominoes. I would have explained the rules but doing so would add three or more pages to this article. But let’s put it simpler possible. The name Pai Gow means make 9, which means the player who arranges his dominos to give a score that is close to 9 wins.

  1. Casino War

Casino war is the only gambling game where you will be able to beat the online
casino over 50% of the times you play. The game is based on the game of war and is played with 52 card decks. In the game, a cad is given to the system and another one to you, the player. If the number on your card is higher than that on the system, then you win. Yep, it is simple as that.

  1. Cassino (card game)

This is a fishing card game that originated in Italy back in the 16th century but has been translated and developed by some online casino’s to be playable online. The game is more or less like blackjack in that in order for you to win, you have to fish up cards on the table and get as close to the number 21 as possible. It can be played with two, three, four, or even theoretically five players.

Games You Can Make Real Money On

  1. Texas Hold’em Poker

Texas hold’em poker is also known as hold ’em, Texas holdem and holdem. This is a variant of poker. It is the most played variant, in particular in its no-limit (NL) form, having no maximum restriction on betting or raising, used during the main event of the World Series of Poker (WSOP), the biggest poker tournament in the world in terms of winning and popularity.

Hold’em is played by two players, face-to-face (heads-up), and up to ten full-table players. Each player receives 2 closed cards (visible only to him) at the beginning of each game. Five open cards (visible to everyone) are added to the middle of the table. To have the best hand in Texas Holdem poker, it is necessary to have the best possible combination of 5 of the 7 cards the player has.

Free Make Money Games

The winner can only be determined when the 5 open cards (flop + turn + river) have all been dealt. Unless players throw their cards (fold), the game cannot end before the “river” comes out by the dealer, since the players have 7 cards in total in order to have the best combination possible.

Games You Can Make Money On Iphone

The goal of the game is to win the chips of other players by having the best hand or by having them throw their cards. To win the game, the player with the best hand or the highest card score wins.

Online casinos remain prohibited to residents of certain countries. If this is the case for your country, free online casino games are ideal for you. You can use them to improve your gaming skill by follow their strategy and rules.

Play free for real money

This list is far from being complete. Do not hesitate to post yours in the comment section below or contact us directly by email to propose us your favorite game. Do not forget to sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Feedburner and Twitter to be informed about new games and post published.